טיפע רעיונות פון הגאון רבי אביגדור מיללער זצ"ל

געדאנקען און התחזקות בעניני עבודת השם

די אחראים: יאנאש,אחראי,געלעגער

שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

די גאס-לאמפן רעדן!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

What lesson can we learn by looking at a lamppost?

That's a very good question. Motzoai Shabbos we make a brocho borei meorei ho'aish. Now it's a pity, that's a tragedy, it's not utilized. it's a brocho on artificial light. Why should it happen that when you set fire to something it makes light?

You know, combustion is going on all the time - a piece of wood is rotting away, that's combustion. It's a chemical combination of the oxygen in the air with the carbon of the wood, only it's going on so slowly that you don't see any fire. When there is rapid combustion, it's a fire, and it produces light. Light is a miracle, don't think it's a small thing, light is a miracle. It cannot be explained in ordinary words, and even scientists have difficulty explaining what light means.

So on artificial light, we make a brocho on motzoai Shabbos and thank Hashem for that great gift! Artificial light is a matono gedolo. When you see a lamppost that makes the street illuminated, it's not dark, it's a pleasure, you can see where there is unevenness in the sidewalk, you watch your step. You can't make a brocho every day, but you should appreciate artificial light, and once a week on motzoai Shabbos we are given an opportunity to talk about it. It's a pity people don't understand that, borei meorei ha'aish..they think it's a ceremony. No, it's once a week, a time when we think about what a great gift light is.

When I was a boy they didn't have electric lights, they had gas lights, gas was burning. You had to take a match and light the gas light; electric light was something new.

And so when Edison came and he brought in a number of scientists and industrialists, and he said, "I'm going to show you a remarkable thing" and he turned on the first electric bulb, they were stunned. A light like the sun! Sunlight! The first time in history an electric light turned on. It's a very great matono that Hakadosh Baruch Hu gives us. So borei meorei ha'aish, artificial light is a cause for very great gratitude to us.

Certainly, a lamppost is an opportunity for thinking people to feel gratitude to the borei meorei ha'aish who created such a phenomenon in this world.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #350
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

ורפא ירפא

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If Hashem visits illness upon a man for his transgressions, why does He allow an aspirin to take away the illness?

Because Hashem also commanded the aspirin to do the job; that's His will that the aspirin should do the job. Just like He brought a sickness on a person to cause him to repent, He also brings an aspirin or a physician to help a man, it's all the plan of Hashem. Now, why should He want that a man should have the wherewithal to heal himself? That's part of the grand plan. Why should Hashem want us to plow, to plant, and to reap, and to grind, and to bake until we have bread? Why shouldn't we have to merely go out in the field and we'll find a loaf of bread in the field? The Chovos Halvovos answers, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu made life complex, made life complicated, to have more opportunities to test us.

The more complicated life is, the more tests we encounter in our life, and each one is an opportunity to pass the test successfully. Therefore doctors are a test, because if people put their trust in doctors, they're making a very big error. There are books that explain — of course, all the physicians here are kosher Jews, but some books explain — that there are many thousands of physicians who will do things that are dangerous to their patients. There are many thousands of physicians who are not interested in the welfare of their patients. It's a fact. There are thousands of surgeons who are willing to operate even when it's not indicated, where there is no need.

However, the Torah says, ve'rapei ye'rapei, you have to heal yourself; which means it's the will of Hakadosh Baruch Hu to go to a physician. It's like if you want to repair your air conditioner, you don't do it yourself, you call in somebody who knows how to do it. The same is - it's the will of Hakadosh Baruch Hu that you should call in a physician, or go to one. But if you make the error of trusting in the physician, you make the error of forgetting that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is the one who heals, you have not passed the test. Sometimes there are other tests involved with physicians. Sometimes people go to physicians and for the smallest thing they are willing to be mechalel Shabbos or eat tarfus. So with physicians, the same as with repairers of air conditioners, it's all a test: Do you trust in Hakadosh Baruch Hu or you transfer your trust to human beings?

Therefore Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants us to understand, whenever something happens, then we have to say "why did it happen to us?" In order we should do teshuva. But then, we should do those things that are necessary according to our understanding to help ourselves, at the same time to know that it's Hakadosh Baruch Hu's answer to our prayers when the physician succeeds in healing us.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #318
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

ספארטס - והבדילנו מן התועים

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

May a yeshiva bochur listen to sports on the radio?

I'll ask you a different question: May a yeshiva bochur stand on his head? Yes, if he wants to. But he's a meshugenah if he does it.

What is sports? It's so silly! The Yanks and the Mets hitting the baseball. It's so meshugah. It's an American goyishe meshugenah velt. It's headlines - Yanks, Mets. It's so silly.

What sports does is the following. The headlines show us how empty the gentile world is. And therefore, we take a lesson from that. These foolish people who can make headlines from the most silly things - we have to say, "Can they be an example for us at all?! In anything?!"

Boruch Elokeinu sehivdilanu min hato'im. Boruch Hashem that He has separated us from these lost neshamas.

-- TAPE #E-210 (December 1999)

* * *

A lot of Jewish youth - and even adults sometimes - have an interest in playing sports and watching sports. What do you say about this phenomenon?

It depends what you mean. If sports are played for the prestige of the uniform, for the prestige of being a sports player, then it's as silly as could be. It's a silly gentile thing. Here's a boy, strutting down the street, in a lacrosse uniform. Did you ever see a lacrosse uniform? You don't what it is? It's a game that high schools and colleges play. So he's strutting down the street in his uniform, all covered with helmets and padded things all over him, and he walks down the street like a hero. He has a halo of sanctity around him. That's what they think. They think that sports is something noble. So this garbage we have to get out of our heads. There is nothing noble about holding a stick and smacking a baseball. There's nothing noble about that; nothing heroic about it.

However, if it's something done for exercise, then there's no question - you don't need me to tell you that exercise is important. If it's not too strenuous, then exercise is very good. But it would be even better if you would take a brisk walk for forty-five minutes. Not in the night time. And not on lonely streets. But a brisk walk in the fresh air is the best sport and the best exercise. And while you're doing that, you can be thinking over all of the important ideas that a Jew should be filling his mind with. There's no end to the thoughts that you must be filling your mind with that will prepare you for the World to Come. Whereas, if you're banging around a ball or some other thing like that, that keeps your mind busy on small unimportant things, and the precious time is entirely wasted.

But watching sports?! That's a one hundred percent waste of time! You should forget about all the ideals of sport and the glamour about sports. Because actually, it's nothing at all.

-- TAPE #48 (January 1975)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

טרעט נישט אריין אין יענעם שוהל!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

געקריגן אין אישי:

When Rav Avigdor’s wife was niftar several years ago, Rav Avraham Shlomo Yavo delivered a hesped at the levayah. Afterwards, a man came over to him and said, “I have to tell you a story, and you should tell it to your kehillah.

“Several years ago, I was diagnosed with a serious case of cancer, and the doctors had no hope for me. They told me that it was just a matter of time. Shattered, I went to Rav Avigdor ZT"L to ask him for a brachah. ‘Where do you daven?’ he asked me. When I told him where I davened, he asked, ‘Do they talk during davening there?’ I admitted that they did.

“‘Don’t step into that shul ever again!!’ Rav Avigdor instructed. ‘Even if you daven perfectly, your tefillos are trapped by those of people who talk by davening, and they cannot ascend to Heaven. Look for another shul where they don’t talk.’

“I followed his advice, and several weeks later I went back to the doctor. They thought I was a different person. The cancer was disappearing.”
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

פארוואס מאכט נישט הקב"ה קיין נסים אין די היינטיגע דורות?

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If it is easier to come closer to Hakadosh Baruch Hu when we see open miracles, why doesn't Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant us open miracles today?

Hakadosh Baruch Hu gives miracles; instead of miracles we'll substitute a different word, gives daas, daas means clarity of understanding. He gives daas as a gift to the deserving. What does that mean? I'll explain to you. If a man is standing up to his waist in a stream of good water, and as you drive by he begs you, please stop and give me a drink. So you say, the man is as crazy as can be!! He's standing up to his waist in pure water, bend over and drink. And the principle is, it's only when you do as much as you can do naturally, then you are granted extra aid to go on further.

Now Avrohom Avinu who spent seventy years gathering knowledge of Hashem from the phenomena of the universe, and he came to a very clear perception of the Borei, as much as a human being can, then Hakadosh Baruch Hu helped him over the threshold, and He brought him to prophecy (nevuas). But when people ignore the opportunities that are right at hand, they don't even look into the seforim that teach so many important things that are easy for us to pick up! We can look in seforim and learn. Instead, we're begging for a handout, give us now a miracle to give us additional knowledge.

You have to know it's a waste, it's a wasted miracle on them. Because when a person doesn't have the attitude of interest in utilizing the opportunities that are at hand, then you're going to give him an extra opportunity, you're going to be disappointed in his reaction. He's so stultified, his mind is so obtuse, and not able to react in the right way, that even if a miracle happens he's going to explain it away and it'll mean nothing to him. Therefore Hakadosh Baruch Hu only gives the miracles to those people who are prepared to utilize them. You have to know a miracle is a very great gift; Hakadosh Baruch Hu hates to change the laws of nature. He never does it unless there's an important reason.

Therefore if it's merely to bring people closer to Him, so He says, Why don't you learn Mesilas Yeshorim? Mesilas Yeshorim is a goldmine. How many people have studied the Mesilas Yeshorim? You can't read it in Hebrew? read it in English; it's a goldmine. So you're standing up to your waist in water, there are beautiful seforim we have today, and you don't bother to bend over to drink? And you're asking Hashem, give me a shower it should rain down on me from above. You don't deserve it.

Our forefathers did everything they could, and when they came, ad mokom sh'yodo ma'gaas, where they couldn't go any further, then they were given something additional.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

הנאה האבן פון עולם הזה

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Why should anybody appreciate the world today, if he knows that the world to come is more enjoyable?

Why not? If it'll hinder you - let's say, if eating in the lobby will ruin your appetite, you'll eat some cheap confections in the lobby and then when the time comes to eat the expensive dishes served in the wedding hall you won't have an appetite - certainly you don't ruin your appetite on nothing.

But suppose it's not going to interfere, why not? Especially if you'll take what this world offers and you'll make a very big brachah over it, and you'll be happy with gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, not only are you justified in enjoying it in this world, but that's going to bring you [to Olam Habah], that's part of the hasken atzmecha, that's part of the preparation, to enjoying properly the things of this world, and thanking Hashem! That's one of the big things.

Kol haomer shira b'olam hazeh, if you say song to Hashem in this world by thanking Him for the good things you have here, zoche v'omro l'olam haboh, you'll say it in the world to come. So therefore, on the contrary, if you'll enjoy properly -- it's springtime, and the sun is shining tomorrow, or even if it's raining tomorrow, it's a beautiful spring rain; not too hot, not too cold, and go out and breathe the new spring air, and say Hakadosh Baruch Hu, we thank You that You gave us life!! Baruch ata Hashem hamachazir neshamos lifgorim maiseim, that You give us another day of life, to enjoy and to breathe, and to eat and to see all the wonderful things of creation, and you thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Not only why not, you should do it, and that's going to be the hasken atzmecha b'prosdor.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #367
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

וּבוֹ תִדְבָּק, וּלְדָבְקָה בוֹ

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If a person goes to listen to shiurim from chachomim, is he mekayim "ldovko bo", "ubo sidbok"?

Absolutely, no question about it. The chidush is, even if he goes to eat together with them, the Rambam says; that's a chidush. He goes to learn from them, no question, certainly, that's "ubo sidbok", but the extra pasuk "ldovko bo" comes to say: do business with them, walk together with them, eat together with them. Even though it's not ruchnius, but it implies a love, a cheishek to be close to them, and to become close to Hakadosh Baruch Hu by coming close to avdei Hashem is certainly ldovko bo.

Sometimes it's not always possible to be close, but in your mind you're close. Let's say you love your Rebbe, the chasidim love their Rebbe, it's an important thing; in their mind they're close to their Rebbe. Or let's say bachurim who left the Yeshiva, they look back the gedolei hador, they love their Rosh Hayeshivas, you speak the highest you can about them. In your heart at least you become ldovko bo, that's also something. It's very important for us to have the highest regard for the Gedolei Hador. We can't always be with them, they wouldn't even let us come close they are so busy; whatever we can do we should try to do.

Even if you're able to serve your Rebbe, godol shimusho shel Torah yoseir meilimudo, just to serve alone is more important than learning, serving is more important than learning because serving shows ahava, you want to be close. Lo mosh metoch haohel, he didn't leave Moshe Rabeinu's tent, Yehoshua became great, lo mosh, he didn't leave, and that's a great thing. If you can't do that, so at least in your mind you have a kirvas Hashem. How can you get close to Hashem? You think about Hashem all the time;, as much as you can. Even if you think one minute about Hashem it's a great achievement; two minutes, even greater. So as you're walking in the street and you're reminding yourself of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, you're mekayeim ubo sidbok, you're thinking about Hashem.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #343
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

נייע אשכול צו צו קאמענטירן און אויסשמועסן די רעיונות פון הגאון רבי אביגדור מיללער זצ"ל:

שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

ניסי ניסים, א גרעזעלע וואס וואקסט!

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Lesson Does Your Lawn Impart To You?

A blade of grass is a miracle, it's more complicated than a skyscraper. Imagine a skyscraper would grow in your backyard; a blade of grass makes a skyscraper into nothing, it's so complicated. A skyscraper can't grow. This can grow too, it gets bigger and bigger. Miracles of miracles in one blade of grass. And that causes people, even of smaller stature, to become aware of Hashem and full of joy.

-- True Happiness (#685)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

אן קיין אינסטינקטס וואלט געווען כליא עלמא (יומא ס"ד ע"ב)

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Are Your Instincts Important?

There is a powerful instinct of attraction between men and women. Without that instinct, human beings would not reproduce and the world would be empty. The instinct to eat causes a person to gain strength and function effectively in life. The instinct to sleep causes a person to rest and rejuvenate his body. So all instincts are given to man to help him to succeed in the world.

-- Ohr Avigdor Shaar Avodas Elokim
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

אויב די דארפסט נאך א סיבה צו זיין בשמחה ווייסטו נישט וואס די האסט

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

Are You Missing Out On Happiness?

"Kol atzmosai tomarnah Hashem -- All my (parts and all my organs and all my) bones say to Hashem -- mi kamocha -- who is like You?" (Iyov 19:26)

Your heart is working well? Thank Hashem! Your lungs are working well? Thank Hashem! Not everybody's lungs are working well. Your eyes are working well? Thank Hashem! Many people are in the eye hospitals today. Your kidneys are working well? Many people are on dialysis; you're not, Baruch Hashem! You have to study these things, otherwise you're missing out on the purpose of the world.

-- All Is Happiness (#E-60)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

כבוד און סעלף ריספעקט (זעלבסט ווירדע)

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Good Is Kavod (Honor)?

If a man has no kavod at all, then no matter how pious he is you cannot trust him. When the holy texts tell you to avoid kavod, it means you shouldn't run . But everybody should have respect for kavod. That's what we call self-respect.

-- Perils of Humility (#12)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

הוי מקדים בשלום כל אדם

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

- רבי מתיא בן חרש אומר, הוי מקדים בשלום כל אדם. (אבות ד, טו)

- וא"ר חלבו אמר רב הונא כל שיודע בחברו שהוא רגיל ליתן לו שלום יקדים לו שלום שנאמר (תהלים לד, טו) בקש שלום ורדפהו, ואם נתן לו ולא החזיר נקרא גזלן שנאמר (ישעיה ג, יד) ואתם בערתם הכרם גזלת העני בבתיכם. (ברכות ו, ב)

What about the custom of saying good morning to someone, and they don't answer you?

Now this very bad custom of neglecting to answer is the result of lack of chinuch. People have to be trained, and I must say this, you cannot learn any Gemara unless you have Rashi; you need tosfos, you need more meforshim. The truth is however, even on Rashi and tosfos you have to have a Rebbi. That's why there are Rosh Hayeshivas who explain the sugyah. It's not enough to sit down and learn by yourself, because many times you'll be lacking in appreciation of what's really being said here.

When boys, for instance, learn Bava Kama in a Yeshiva, and they learn all about arba avos nezikin, four kinds of damages, and they learn, one of the mazikim is adam, man is a damager. Now it's not enough to learn that piece of Gemara. The Rebbi where ever he is, even in the biggest yeshiva must take time out to explain to his disciples what it means when people damage other people's property.

If a boy is riding a bike, and here is freshly laid paving, and he is careless, or he is a vandal, and he drives his bike onto the wet cement, and he mars it forever and ever, that's a vandalism. A yeshiva boy who does such a thing wasn't taught properly.

So children have to be taught not to commit vandalism, that's called nezikin, not to be a mazik. It's not enough to learn; it has to be explained in practical ways by the teacher, by the Rebbi.

And that's why people have to be taught, when the Gemara says that a man who does not answer you when you greet him is considered a robber. That has to be taught to children, that has to be taught to adults also. You must answer if somebody greets you, and it's an evil illness, when people are so raw, so untrained that they don't understand this.

Some people do answer, but it's almost invisible, they give a nod, you need an oscilloscope, you need a special instrument to see if he nodded his head! Or he mutters something; you need something to magnify the sound. He should answer clearly, and he should make a noticeable motion with his head, he should acknowledge your greeting, that's the minimum a person should do.

That training has to be taught to children by parents, children have to be taught the realities of Torah in actual life, because otherwise they are not practicing the theories that they are being taught.

You know that there are boys who learn about stealing in the Gemara, and some of them have good heads, and they can talk about tashlumei keifel, and things like that, and they know that halochos, and still they wouldn't hesitate to steal a Gemara from a beis hamedrash to take it to the yeshiva without permission.

Now what does that mean? It means theory and practice are divorced from each other; it's up to the Rebbi to translate that into actual fact. You cannot take somebody's Gemara, you need permission. You cannot take a sefer from a synagogue without permission.

You have to answer when somebody greets you. Otherwise, you are a robber; because it's your duty. Once he says something to you, it's your obligation to payback; if you don't, you are a robber.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #412
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שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

רֵאשׁ וָעֹשֶׁר אַל תִּתֶּן לִי, הַטְרִיפֵנִי לֶחֶם חֻקִּי (משלי ל, ח)

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

How is it that people who become wealthy tend to forsake the principles of their fathers?

Now, this is something that's a well-known phenomenon; it's constantly reiterated in the Scriptures, in the Tanach. Vayishman Yeshurun vayivot, Yeshurun became fat, the righteous nation became fat and began kicking. It's like a cow, a cow if you don't feed it too much it's docile; once you give it too much food and you come to milk it, it'll give you a kick in the face. And that's how children are too, by the way. They are overfed with too much candy and ice cream, and that's why they're so fresh. If they had to go to work in order to support themselves, then you would see it would be a much more decent population. Money is a great test.

Now, for good people money is a glorious opportunity; they become more grateful to Hashem, and they utilize their wealth for the support of the Torah causes, and they become like Rabbi Akiva, or like Rabbon Gamliel, or like Rabbi Tarfon, or like Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya -- all the great people of our history who knew how to live with money.

But those who are not trained, those who are not prepared for wealth, are ruined by wealth. Like Shlomo Hamelech said, Reish v'osher al titein li, don't give me extreme wealth or extreme poverty; hatrifeini lechem chuki (Mishlei 30:8), give me enough.

Therefore, it's a great test, and very many people have stumbled and fallen because of this test.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #389
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שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

רבי מכבד עשירים

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

בן בונייס אתא לקמיה דרבי אמר להו פנו מקום לבן מאה מנה, אתא איניש אחרינא אמר להו פנו מקום לבן מאתים מנה. אמר לפניו רבי ישמעאל ברבי יוסי רבי אביו של זה יש לו אלף ספינות בים וכנגדן אלף עיירות ביבשה, אמר לו לכשתגיע אצל אביו אמור לו אל תשגרהו בכלים הללו לפני (בבגדים הללו שאין נראה עשיר כל כך. רש"י). ( עירובין פה, ב)

When Rebbi told a wealthy man, "Who said I'm a wealthy man, and he wanted more respect, so Rebbi said, "Why don't you dress better?" Please explain.

A person who has wealth has a certain importance, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants him to utilize that importance. The Gemoro says in Masches Succah (29a), why are nichsei ba'alei batim nimsorin l'malchus, why do they lose their property? Sometimes the government comes and appropriates their property, why should they be punished and lose their property? The Gemoro says because they were not moiche the ovrei aveirah. Which means, if you're a wealthy man, you're expected to utilize your importance to influence people towards avodas Hashem.

Here is a glorious example. Moses Montefiore a frum Sefardi Jew; he became Lord Mayor of London and he was always a frum Jew, always, everywhere, a Kiddush Hashem. He utilized his wealth and his power to uphold the Torah. England never really had Reform Judaism up till recently, that's because of the influence of people like Reb Moshe Montefiore, zichrono l'brocho.

Now, when a wealthy man doesn't demonstrate who he is, and you think he's a nobody, he's an anav, and he doesn't obligate himself to defend the Torah, then he's failing in his function. So Rebbi said, "If you're an important person, dress like an important person, and then you'll have influence."

By coming here it will be a kiddush Hashem. People see that millionaires also come to Rebbi's Yeshiva, however if you come like a plain schlepper, you're not making a kiddush Hashem. Therefore it's important for a wealthy person to dress like an affluent person and utilize his personality and influence to uphold the Torah. He becomes a member of the Board of Directors of the Yeshiva, he comes to the bais haknesses to shiurim. A millionaire sits at the shiurim, that's a kiddush Hashem.

Therefore certainly a person of affluence has to demonstrate to a certain extent who he is, in order to utilize his influence.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #307
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

דער וואס האסט א עובד ה', איז נישט א עכטע פרומע און ערליכער איד

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

How Does Hate Diminish You?

A person can't be a truly frum Jew if he hates another frum Jew. Such a person inevitably starts looking for faults in his fellow Jews. That leads to thinking that frum Jews are no good in general, resulting in the seeds of apikorsus (heresy) being planted in his mind...

A person who harbors ill-will towards people who serve Hashem should know that he himself is not really a frum Jew.

-- Ohr Avigdor Hakdama
לעצט פארראכטן דורך SPUSMN אום מאנטאג פעברואר 12, 2018 3:07 pm, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

די הייליגע עקשנות פון הרה"ק רבי נחמן זצ"ל

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

How do I deal with the fact that I keep failing in things that I want to accomplish in Avodas Hashem? I try but it doesn't go. I feel like I just want to give up already.

There's a certain Rebbe, the Breslover. So, in one of his Seforim he writes as follows. He himself writes this - about himself. He says, "When I was younger, I tried to serve Hashem. I tried, and sometimes I fell down a hundred times. And each time, I got up again and tried again."

That was his stubbornness. He got up and he fell down. He didn't succeed. He was nichshal. He got up again. A hundred times. "I got up," he says. "And in the end, I remained standing." That's the lesson.

It's a nisayon, a test, and you have the bechira to pass that nisayon. You keep on trying and the end is that you will surely succeed. There's no such thing as not succeeding. You keep on trying and habo letaher mesayin lo. If you are actually coming to succeed, if you really want to succeed - that's what habo letaher means - then you will remain standing in the end. The first times, the first ninety-nine times, are just a test to see if you are a weakling. That's what they're there for! To see if you're a weakling or if you're serious about it. And if you overcome the first ninety-nine times, then you're on the way. Then you're on the road to greatness.

-- TAPE #E-162 (April 1999)

Credit: Toras Avigdor
לעצט פארראכטן דורך מונאוויטש אום מיטוואך פעברואר 14, 2018 11:56 am, פארראכטן געווארן 1 מאל.
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

הקב"ה ווייסט וואס עס איז גוט פאר דיר!

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

If one prays, is it wrong to have trust that his prayer will be answered?

If a man prays, he should have trust that his prayers are going to be answered, but it doesn't mean it'll be answered in the way he wants. I will give an example. Suppose you have a prescription, and so you go into a big drugstore, and it happens that everybody's out, there's nobody there. So you want it, you can't wait, and you think you'll take it yourself and later you'll send in a check to pay for it. So you go to the shelves behind the counter, and you choose whatever you think is for yourself. That's a dangerous business; you might never live to send that check.

The same is when we ask Hakadosh Baruch Hu for certain things; it could be it's the very worst thing for you, and frequently it's true. However, we do ask Him because that's human nature. And there is a reason why we should ask Him, because otherwise, we'll think we got it by ourselves, you have to ask Him to know that when it comes, you'll know He gave it to you.

But you have to have an understanding that what He gives is going to be for your benefit, not what you want is for your benefit. Now suppose you don't get what you asked for? Here is a man who asked, Ribono Shel Olam make me the owner of a chain store, I will be satisfied let's say with just 50 stores. And Hakadosh Baruch Hu doesn't give him one.

Now that man has to realize that it could be - to be an executive manager of one store is a very big headache, and many people succumb; high blood pressure, there are a lot of worries if you have to manage employees. Incoming merchandise, setting the prices, government regulations, all kinds of problems.

If a man is not built in a way that he could delegate responsibilities, he takes it all into his own head, if he's going to have more than one store it could kill him. If Hakadosh Baruch Hu doesn't give this man what he asks for, it could be it's the very greatest benefit.

So you ask whatever you want to ask for. What should you trust in Hashem? That He'll listen to your prayers, He'll do for you what's best for you; not what you think is best.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #392
To listen to the audio of this Q & A please dial: 201-676-3210
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

מערכת להתענג האט געשריבן:ניי! גליון "ר' אביגדור ענטפערט" - שו"ת איבערגעזעצט אויף אידיש.
http://www.ladaat.info/showgil.aspx?par ... 20&gil=511

שטארק הנאה געהאט. ווען איז אין פלאן דער צווייטע גליון?
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר האלפיים
תגובות: 2906
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: זונטאג נאוועמבער 22, 2015 6:08 pm

לב נשבר ונדכה אלקים לא תבזה

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תגובה דורך מונאוויטש »

Isn't it stated that one who prays with a broken heart will be heard, so we see a broken heart is advisable for prayer?

You have to know that a broken heart does not mean somebody who is broken in spirit. When it states in Yeshayahu, nechei ruach, broken in spirit, it doesn't mean a dispirited man. When a man is broken in spirit, he's heading towards an institution. Here it means, he broke the spirit of stubbornness, that's the broken heart. It doesn't mean your heart is broken; he broke his desires, that's what it means and that's the trouble with translation.

Lev nishbor, lev means mind in loshon kodesh, it doesn't refer to the heart, it's the mind, it means he broke his mind, he changed his attitude, that's what it really means.

So when you come to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, you broke your arrogance, you broke your tendency to talk all the time, you decided to keep quiet from now on, that's a broken heart. It doesn't mean a broken spirit that this man now has lost his courage.

A Moment with Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zt"l #346
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מערכת להתענג
שר חמישים
תגובות: 56
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: דינסטאג אוגוסט 18, 2015 7:33 pm

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תגובה דורך מערכת להתענג »

http://www.ladaat.info/showgil.aspx?par ... 10&gil=511
עס ווערט ארויף געלייגט וועכענטליך אויף לדעת אונטערן נאמען בית יוסף.
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

א אראנדז איז א מתנה, אבער אנערקענען ווער עס גיבט דיר דער אראנדז איז דער גרעסטע מתנה

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What's The World's Greatest Gifts?

When He gives us an orange, it's true He wants us to enjoy the orange. But there's a bigger gift: The greatest benefit that we can gain in this world is the benefit of learning who Hashem is. That's the greatest goodness there is. There's no bigger benefit a man can learn in this world than emunah to believe and understand who Hashem is.

-- A Happy World (#371)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

וואס מיינט זיין א עובד ה'

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

How Do You Truly Serve Hashem?

You want to know what it means to be oveid Hashem? Not a person who's busy doing mitzvos, or even busy studying Torah. An oveid Hashem is one who has achieved the attitude of appreciating what Hashem has done and is doing for him, and he is completely humbled as a result. That's called avodas Hashem.

- Supreme Services (#35)
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

האסט א ריזיגע ריספאנסיביליטי ביי דיר אין שטוב

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

What Can You Accomplish In Your Home?

Just as a man is dependent on the Creator to manage his affairs, so should a man consider himself responsible for the happiness and success of his wife and children, as if his house were the Universe and he (so to speak) were the Creator. That is the immense opportunity for achievement which a home offers, and that is the enormous responsibility which rests on the parent to make his home successful.

-- Awake, My Glory
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שר עשרת אלפים
תגובות: 12993
זיך איינגעשריבן אום: מאנטאג יוני 06, 2011 11:01 am
לאקאציע: בתוך עמי אנכי ישבת

ה' אלקינו ה' אחד

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תגובה דורך SPUSMN »

How Can You Make Hashem Be Part of Your Thoughts?

A person can put the Oneness of Hashem into his mind through practice, thinking a good deal about how the whole world cooperates to do the will of Hashem.... This is a visualization of the thought that Hashem is One. If a person follows that approach, visualizing a concept and thinking about it frequently, it ultimately becomes part of his permanent mindset.

-- Ohr Avigdor Hakdama
עת לחשות ועת לדבר - קהלת ג ז
שרייב תגובה

צוריק צו “אז נדברו”